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You will leave this site to the other great sites around. thanks for your visit and please comeback soon.

Outlaws Sites:

Paleface Opinionated Outlaws Site: The number one site I must say. He have everything you need to play the game Outlaws and fun read about players that have been around.

Outlaws Gang Busters Headquarters: The number two site where you can get everything to this game. They have fun read about Good Guys and great Posses. They have the awesome msg. board for all Outlaws players.


Cold Blooded Outlaws: smac1979 is the leader of this great gang with a good service site. He makes Outlaws logos to all that want one.

Whoop Ass Crew: This is the oldest gang around still today. With awesome team making them one of the best teams around in all years.

Death Riders: My old pal Outlaw is leader of DR and have done a great site. One of the most respected posses around.